My Teaching Philosophy

My students become “fisher(wo)men.” I teach them how to fish, how to feed themselves. Their mind, body, spirit. How to become self-sufficient. 

I don’t persuade anyone to study with me. I’m here to help those who want to be helped. Some are desperate for help. Others may just need a refinement of their technique or approach. 

My goal is to help create stronger minds in the world 🌎.

More balance. Creativity. Acceptance. Less dissonance. Less fear. 

Starting with each individual student, I help them to help themselves. Through “turning within” and studying my approach towards living a life of inner contentment. 


Things to Understand
When You Read my Posts, Books, Take My Classes
or watch my YouTube channel

I’m a teacher. Not a guru. I don’t want “blind followers.”

I teach people how to think for themselves. Not what to believe. I teach self-sufficiency. Not dependence.

No belief changes are ever necessary. I help everyone. 

I don’t spout “absolute truths.” There’s no such thing.

I share ideas and perspectives about life and the afterlife.  

I help students learn how to identify “cognitive dissonance” which permeates many spiritual teachings worldwide. How to discern and decide for themselves what makes sense and what doesn’t. 

I sometimes speak of relationships I’ve had with my spiritual teachers and mentors over the millennia. Not from a religious standpoint. 

I am a teacher (not a preacher) to help my students develop their own stronger sense of connection and communication — inwardly and outwardly. 

The Result

Students establish a stronger foundation on which to build a more stable and clear-minded present in this lifetime, which helps them create a more contented and fulfilling future…because now is the basis of the future — wherever they choose to live it.